
Samuel Sosa, aka. The professor
1 min readAug 24, 2021

Look at that idiot.

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. -Charles Bukowski

Is that why social media is full of stupid people screaming? How stupid must one be to try, while also being smart enough to do something worthwhile?

There’s a cowardly answer used for everything, that somehow sounds smart, and excuses the speaker (or writer) from having to give a concrete solution to any problem at hand, “I think there should be a balance.” What the fuck does that mean?

I’m guilty of judging people who try to do things and sucking at it. I see the world that way sometimes, and that’s very uncool; And, as well as being uncool, it’s incredibly stupid and limiting for myself.

I have seldom dared to try because I’m afraid to fail. I see the world through skeptic eyes, always coming up with criticisms to everything I see.

Something we all need to accept and embody is that there is virtue in trying. Sounds like an obvious and over repeated lesson, but for one reason or other, most people don’t embody it, me included.

Call to action: Learn and question, but be brave enough to be stupid enough to try.

